If you have a need, call our message phone at 406-466-3646 and leave your name and phone number. A local volunteer will usually return your call (it will be from a volunteer phone, and sometimes from an out of state phone number) within 24 hours. NHN will do our best to connect you to resources for a need that you and your family may be experiencing. You can view our Resources Page to get an idea of the types of services Neighbors Helping Neighbors may refer you to, although we encourage you to call as our volunteers are very knowledgeable about what may be useful in your particular situation.
Individuals must have lived in Teton County, Montana for at least one year before they can receive financial assistance from Neighbors Helping Neighbors. We typically only provide a hand up through financial assistance one time per client.
If you receive financial assistance from Neighbors Helping Neighbors, we may ask you to pay back a portion of the assistance you have received in the form of a donation to NHN when you are in a better financial situation, or you may be asked to “pay it forward” by assisting someone else in you community in another way.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors occasionally gets offers of donated physical items such as furniture or appliances. If you have a need for something of this nature, please let us know. NHN frequently uses the Facebook Teton County Online Yard Sale to search and post for items.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible donations make it possible for us to assist those members of our community who live on limited incomes in a time of need! If you would like to make a financial donation to Neighbors Helping Neighbors, you can contact Linda Sentz at 406-781-4650 or mail your donation to:
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
PO Box 303
Choteau MT 59422
We are unable to accept physical donations such as furniture or appliances. However, if you are able to keep the item, we will gladly try to connect you with a family in need. Please call 406-466-3646 to let us know about your item.
You can also post these items on the Facebook Teton County Online Yard Sale.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors would like to extend our deepest gratitude to all of our generous and caring donors.